What is International Railway Summit?

International Railway Summit is a meeting of the world’s key rail sector buyers and carefully selected technical experts.

Buyers’ project requirements are matched with experts’ solutions, which leads to 25-minute one-to-one consultation meetings during the International Railway Summit.

In addition, delegates also attend a conference programme given by key industry leaders and experts and network with industry colleagues and potential business partners over lunches, dinners and a site visit.

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IRS12 Agenda

Conference Chair

Simon Fletcher

(Conference Chair)

Director Europe

International Union of Railways (UIC)

Paolo Guglielminetti

(Conference Co-Chair) - Digital Railway

Partner PwC Italy, Global Railways & Roads Leader


Matteo Salvini

Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Infrastructure and Transport

Republic of Italy

Michael Theurer

Federal Government Commissioner for Rail Transport

Federal Republic of Germany

Luigi Ferraris


Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FSI)

Josef Doppelbauer

Executive Director

EU Agency for Railways

François Davenne

Director General

International Union of Railways (UIC)

Luigi Corradi



Keir Fitch

Head of Unit for Rail Safety and Interoperability, DG MOVE

European Commission (EC)

Vera Fiorani


RFI (Italian Railway Network)

Alberto Mazzola

Executive Director

Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies (CER)

Eva Kreienkamp


Berlin Transport Company

Clemens Först


Rail Cargo Group

Vincent Etchebehere

VP Sustainability and New Mobilities

Air France

View IRS12 Speakers View IRS12 Agenda

Why should I attend?

Listen to thought leaders debate pressing issues
Have guaranteed one-to-one meetings based on business matchmaking
Save time and meet up to 15 buyers over two days
Know buyers’ project requirements ahead of the meeting
Make friends over coffee, lunches and dinners

Pre-Arranged One-to-One Consultation Meetings with Recommended Technical Experts

IRS12 Buyers included

What makes International Railway Summit unique?

Participating buyers have included:

Participating experts have included:

Bonatrans interloc Nexxiot perper Pettibone
Bonatrans interloc Nexxiot perper Pettibone

Participating supporting organisations have included:

Metro Rail News
Metro Rail News