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Why should I attend?
Listen to thought leaders debate pressing issues
Have guaranteed one-to-one meetings based on business matchmaking
Save time and meet up to 15 buyers over two days
Know buyers’ project requirements ahead of the meeting
Make friends over coffee, lunches and dinners
What our Speakers say about the Conference Programme
Through its well-balanced agenda, presentations from keynote speakers, which I was happy to take part in, the panel discussions and the bilateral contacts...certainly a particularly interesting event.
Jean-Pierre Loubinoux
Director General International Union of Railways (UIC)
We found the event very well organized and attended. The level of decision makers was good, and therefore the quality of meetings was superb; we will definitely be back!
David McGorman
Digital Director at Unipart Rail and MD of Instrumentel Unipart Rail
What our Experts say about One-to-One Conference Programme
The perfect platform to meet the ‘railway family’. Well-organized conferences and meetings, and the attractive supporting program, offer easy access to constructive dialogues. We are looking forward to the next summit.
Elke Frommann
Head of Sales, Rail Systems PSI Transcom
An interesting mix of practitioners and solution providers , experiences from railway systems at different and diverse geographies and opportunities to structure one-on-one meetings made the event worth attending.
Mayank Tewari
Executive Director, Mechanical Engineering (Development) Ministry of Railways
The International Railway Summit, a good opportunity and place to refresh contacts, establish new ones and widen your view on railway transportation topics by sharing experience with experts from around the globe.
Ulf Meyer
Head of Bid Managemnent International Markets DB Engineering & Consultancy GmbH
The summit I attended was a great success for our company. Good balance between attending buyers and sellers. Perfect location, good speakers and nice framework programme. Excellent opportunity for presenting our products and networking.
Johannes Hainbucher
International Sales Manager Linsinger
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