11:55-12:50 Festsaal (Main Ballroom)
What is around the corner for rail communication systems in a post-GSM-R landscape is still largely unknown, though all hope for the same destination: more efficient operations, more comprehensive information, and a better customer experience. Summit attendees heard from the experts forging the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), from those leading the technological charge, from companies undertaking operational trials, and those setting the standards for implementation. Is 5G the essential part of achieving these goals? What are the technologies, the standards, the possible implementations that will make FRMCS not only a reality but a great success, and will anyone be left behind in the rush to the future?
Jean-Michel Evanghelou
Head of Telecom & Signalling
International Union of Railways (UIC)
Michael Klöcker
Head of Railway Solution Management
Dan Mandoc
Professional Head - Telecoms
Network Rail
Patrick Marsch
Senior Project Manager Digital Rail
Deutsche Bahn